Life is beautifully full of everyday overcomings. I like to think of every struggle as a seed for the future. Pain, trauma, and disappointment can all be composted by God to work and optimize the soil in our lives. I've written and shared many stories of the miraculous and great power of God's love to change hearts, situations, and mindsets over the years. There are no hopeless cases in God's courthouse. Everyone has a chance to be loved, healed, and forgiven. Everyone is invited to commune with Him in the garden of His love. I believe that these books and resources offered here will speak life and beauty to whatever season you are in. It will also give you the courage to step into the great adventure of Faith. After all, a journey with Jesus is always full of adventures!
-Barbara S Holmes, author

Finding Rest in The Garden of The Lord
By Barbara Holmes
Illustrated by Anika Steiner
2022, paperback and e-book
Do you want to find Peace and Rest in your seasons of uncertainty and stress?
Finding Rest in The Garden of The Lord demonstrates how our Creator wants to use your fruit and compost for His Glory, and helps you find rest in the middle of any circumstance.
These devotions share scriptures, poetry, and art that highlight testimonies from people in the Bible that describe the sometimes-harsh realities of an unexpected winter and how to overcome them.
You will receive helpful tips to remember at the end of the chapters that can navigate you into a worshipful place of peace while fighting back the weeds of life.
You will also encounter tools for cultivating your spiritual garden as you begin to see your seasons as part of a sacred journey, bringing you deeper into your identity in Christ Jesus.
He Calls Me Bethany
He Calls Me Bethany (Audiobook)
By Barbara Holmes
Narrated by Tanya Nakogee
Available on Audible, and Amazon
Ever felt alone, unheard, or unseen? Ever wondered if God even notices you and your pain? He Calls Me Bethany is a true story of Hope and finding unshakable Love in the midst of pain, evil, and disappointment... overcoming through unexpected and wild adventures towards Faith, Freedom, and Forgiveness.
By Barbara Holmes
2020, paperback and e-book
Dare to take a faith adventure of unexpected opportunities and surprising destinations! It's a journey you won't forget.
Does the miraculous ever happen? He is nearer than you think! Barbara takes us on a journey through some of the terrible nightmares and beautiful events she has experienced, from severe physical and sexual abuse by her pastor and father to marrying the man of her dreams and having a wonderful family, to living with M.S. God is always present and always faithful. If you doubt that the miraculous happens, this is a must-read.
The Adventure Awaits You!